| dearsoma95_soma: Multidisciplinary books
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by dearsoma95_soma Location: Guwahati, ASSAM 2023-04-18 18:52:41 IST. Tweet 1648316116702466049 | |

 | IndiaPostOffice: @nirmalyaown As per India Post tracking, as on13/04/2023 time 12:13:09, Consignment Number JN598389277IN was Out fo… https://t.co/OxwLKXYjp7
by IndiaPostOffice Location: नई दिल्ली, भारत 2023-04-18 17:46:57 IST. Tweet 1648299574455402499 | |

 | IndiaPostOffice: @smukherjee00 As per India Post tracking, as on 12/04/2023 time 13:03:24, Consignment Number JA176836635IN was Out… https://t.co/KiWsp4GVq5
by IndiaPostOffice Location: नई दिल्ली, भारत 2023-04-18 17:27:09 IST. Tweet 1648294592796676104 | |

 | IndiaPostOffice: @sannidh216 Article LE683490235DE is ordinary Post and in this service items are not scanned on receipt in India. H… https://t.co/JbHCjd2AHJ
by IndiaPostOffice Location: नई दिल्ली, भारत 2023-04-18 16:37:19 IST. Tweet 1648282050653200384 | |

 | TheOfficialSBI: @srijan12 Please note that the debit card is delivered by India Post. We recommend you to get in touch with your po… https://t.co/SxjW0Y3lZY
by TheOfficialSBI Location: Earth 2023-04-18 16:30:50 IST. Tweet 1648280418955988992 | |

 | IndiaPostOffice: @vami_mittal Sir, Article under reference is ordinary Post and in this service items are not scanned on receipt in… https://t.co/zyKMYZRnEU
by IndiaPostOffice Location: नई दिल्ली, भारत 2023-04-18 11:48:36 IST. Tweet 1648209392884391936 | |

 | imsunnyuttam: RT @Ajaysin0203: #flipkart #flipkartscam ,wrong and misleading display of delivery,, while ordering delivery date is 21Apr but post payment…
by imsunnyuttam Location: India 2023-04-18 11:31:46 IST. Tweet 1648205158986448900 | |

 | Ajaysin0203: #flipkart #flipkartscam ,wrong and misleading display of delivery,, while ordering delivery date is 21Apr but post… https://t.co/nX0xcc3g9r
by Ajaysin0203 Location: Worldwide 2023-04-18 11:28:20 IST. Tweet 1648204292300369920 | |

 | NarenKadian: @devusinh @IndiaPostOffice @PMOIndia @DoT_India @AshwiniVaishnaw @_DigitalIndia @pib_comm However on ground deliver… https://t.co/XPsbLBcLLl
by NarenKadian Location: Gurgaon, India 2023-04-18 09:21:51 IST. Tweet 1648172464885891074 | |

 | AakankshSharma4: RT @RadhikasRadhika: @IndiaPostOffice @AshwiniVaishnaw @devusinh @mygovindia @PIB_India @pib_comm In rohini parcel unit , items were stolen…
by AakankshSharma4 Location: Earth 2023-04-17 22:37:16 IST. Tweet 1648010247787925504 | |

 | aisharyachakrab: @AshwiniVaishnaw Sir, @IndiaPostOffice has lost all the tracking data post 13th April since they updated the server… https://t.co/mLg3cH7SnZ
by aisharyachakrab Location: Melbourne, Victoria 2023-04-17 20:29:57 IST. Tweet 1647978209248681985 | |

 | RadhikasRadhika: @IndiaPostOffice @AshwiniVaishnaw @devusinh @mygovindia @PIB_India @pib_comm In rohini parcel unit , items were sto… https://t.co/bZJljtLZiE
by RadhikasRadhika Location: नई दिल्ली, भारत 2023-04-17 19:43:24 IST. Tweet 1647966491642327045 | |

 | dearsoma95_soma: Multidisciplinary books
@ 50% discount
ONLINE Delivery charges extra as per India post
IG acc-… https://t.co/zD2POlSrjI
by dearsoma95_soma Location: Guwahati, ASSAM 2023-04-17 18:30:50 IST. Tweet 1647948231811420161 | |

 | IndiaPostOffice: @dvaninath Hi,
As per SAP tracking, the article RT118704949IN has been delivered on 15.04.2023 from Vimanapur… https://t.co/XkaX7iN0Zl
by IndiaPostOffice Location: नई दिल्ली, भारत 2023-04-17 18:00:40 IST. Tweet 1647940640846540800 | |

 | victorj64521231: @IndiaPostOffice Coz of india post I am having to bare a cost of about 2000₹ for storage of an item.key for which i… https://t.co/JDhv8NkJpC
by victorj64521231 Location: MyHome 2023-04-17 17:01:41 IST. Tweet 1647925796366057472 | |

 | Aadhaar_Care: @Im_rajat26
Aadhaar PVC will get delivered to the registered address within 15 working days from the date of plac… https://t.co/ln0LHRGiuv
by Aadhaar_Care Location: New Delhi, India 2023-04-17 14:32:45 IST. Tweet 1647888316044394497 | |

 | Abhishe97511275: RT @Abhishe97511275: @AshwiniVaishnaw @RailMinIndia @DDNational @narendramodi @PIB_India Sir
It looks good in photos when it come to actual…
by Abhishe97511275 Location: World 2023-04-17 13:04:08 IST. Tweet 1647866014208790528 | |

 | Abhishe97511275: @AshwiniVaishnaw @RailMinIndia @DDNational @narendramodi @PIB_India Sir
It looks good in photos when it come to act… https://t.co/C0htkjLuzZ
by Abhishe97511275 Location: Worldwide 2023-04-17 12:48:58 IST. Tweet 1647862196704256000 | |

 | jeet_b1998: @IndiaPostOffice this is the fast service of speed post by India Post Total 7 days Completed but Parcle Still S… https://t.co/L1Rh0I3tQo
by jeet_b1998 Location: Shivpuri, India 2023-04-17 12:28:29 IST. Tweet 1647857041929809922 | |

 | saltbutterknife: @IndiaPostOffice @AshwiniVaishnaw @devusinh @mygovindia @AmritMahotsav @PIB_India @DDNewslive @airnewsalerts What a… https://t.co/bqZ4lHy5B2
by saltbutterknife Location: India 2023-04-17 12:08:59 IST. Tweet 1647852135097438208 | |

 | AshutoshMantry: @AmazonHelp Most of the products getting delivered on pin code 765015 are mostly through india post . India post de… https://t.co/v4sCTtRolB
by AshutoshMantry Location: Delhi , India 2023-04-17 11:01:08 IST. Tweet 1647835061792968706 | |

 | dearsoma95_soma: Multidisciplinary books
@ 50% discount
ONLINE Delivery charges extra as per India post
IG acc-… https://t.co/7U8v0FZnPw
by dearsoma95_soma Location: Guwahati, ASSAM 2023-04-16 17:21:33 IST. Tweet 1647568408551256065 | |

 | dearsoma95_soma: Multidisciplinary books
@ 50% discount
ONLINE Delivery charges extra as per India post
IG acc-… https://t.co/krtjEKIuir
by dearsoma95_soma Location: Guwahati, ASSAM 2023-04-16 11:13:41 IST. Tweet 1647475830015275009 | |

 | HemantK48665497: @devusinh
Namaskar sir
India post se speed post kiya tha date 27/03/2023.
Aur delivery confirmed 29/03/2023 show h… https://t.co/eYA3IpibbH
by HemantK48665497 Location: SolarSystem 2023-04-16 01:47:03 IST. Tweet 1647333232227287040 | |

 | HemantK48665497: @IndiaPostOffice
Namaskar sir
India post se speed post kiya tha date 27/03/2023.
Aur delivery confirmed 29/03/2023… https://t.co/qaBdS0cmhb
by HemantK48665497 Location: Earth 2023-04-16 01:41:42 IST. Tweet 1647331887382421504 | |

 | HemantK48665497: @AshwiniVaishnaw
Namaskar sir
India post se speed post kiya tha date 27/03/2023.
Aur delivery confirmed 29/03/2023… https://t.co/hXnkWA28Xv
by HemantK48665497 Location: SolarSystem 2023-04-16 01:34:32 IST. Tweet 1647330084741873667 | |

 | HemantK48665497: Namaskar sir
India post se speed post kiya tha date 27/03/2023.
Aur delivery confirmed 29/03/2023 show ho Raha h an… https://t.co/uQkelSCaLI
by HemantK48665497 Location: Cosmos 2023-04-16 01:13:39 IST. Tweet 1647324827446050816 | |

 | jamesk_r: @XpressBees_IN one of the worst logistics company imo , something from @AJIOLife ordered on 5th shipped on 6th ..… https://t.co/vTgrPVJMtU
by jamesk_r Location: RADIX 2023-04-15 19:50:15 IST. Tweet 1647243439803625473 | |

 | dearsoma95_soma: Multidisciplinary books
@ 50% discount
ONLINE Delivery charges extra as per India post
IG acc-… https://t.co/ZIE8Kw4JTG
by dearsoma95_soma Location: Guwahati, ASSAM 2023-04-15 17:25:18 IST. Tweet 1647206964345339904 | |

 | pagu6784: @Aadhaar_Care @UIDAI Your Aadhaar PVC card is under printing process. It will be handed over to India Post for deli… https://t.co/hFBM2Y5luu
by pagu6784 Location: MVDR, JND, AMD 2023-04-15 14:56:57 IST. Tweet 1647169629834313729 | |